Donate your tax credit

Did you know? If you donate to an Aotearoa charity you get a third of it back as a tax credit

You can donate that back to us to help the next generation of innovators do even bigger and better things!


🦄 First Step… Set it up

Log in to your myIR account with the IRD at

You can click on Donation Tax Credit right there on the front page under “All accounts (tax types) that you can access”

In the top right where it says I want to… you can click on “Enter donation tax credit receipts

Hint: you can upload your donation receipts all through the year, you don’t have to wait till the end of the financial year to do that! Even if you don’t want to donate your credits to us, or anyone else, this is how you get a third of your donation back as credit!

🚀 Second Step…

Send it our way!

At the final stage of entering each receipt in on step 1, click on YES on the final “Credit Transfer” step.

Click “add a credit transfer’ and complete the following details:

  • IRD Number: 116-137-054

  • Account Type: Income Tax

  • Associated Person: No

  • Period From / Period To: the tax period you’re doing this for

  • Transfer Amount: the credit amount - one-third of your receipt amount

OR you can fill in an IR526 Tax Credit Form (fill in box 9 with our bank account details: Pam Fergusson Charitable Trust, 12-3646-0022106-000)

The next generation of innovators thank you.